Judging Process

Enjoy the experience

Naturally, some people are nervous about going through a judging process. But please don’t be. Enjoy it!

We work hard to make sure that all finalists enjoy the experience. We brief our judges to provide an experience that enables all the nominees to feel relaxed and comfortable, and they know how to get the most from each person they speak with.

Importantly, to ensure the credibility of the process, judges are asked to declare any conflicts of interest with who they are judging. The awards team goes out of its way to ensure that competitors don’t judge each other, that outsourcers don’t judge outsourcers, and that sponsors are treated equally. These awards have independent Head Judges to oversee and validate the process.

The winners are identified by taking all the scores from the judges and calibrating them. When the results are close, special attention is given to the comments from the judges and, if required, the judges are invited to a call to talk through the nominations with the Head Judge.

These are the most robust awards in the UK industry, where it’s the industry leaders that identify the winners through a fair and rigorous judging process. And that’s why, when you are recognised as a winner, it means so much and can be life changing.

Stage 1: Shortlisting

All entries will be reviewed by a panel of judges and shortlisted against the judging criteria. We will advise those successful or unsuccessful within four weeks of the closing date.

Stage 2: Interviews

This format for this stage in the process varies depending on the category that you are being judged against.

Finalists in the Individual categories will have an interview using a virtual platform. The small panel of judges will also talk with your line manager to explore your achievements further. The judges will ensure that they ask questions to be able to assess your nomination against the set criteria fairly.

Team and Organisation categories (excluding Best Contact Centre Culture) finalists will be invited to attend a virtual panel judging session.

– Introduction to the judges

– A short presentation of why you think you should win the category you have been short-listed for

– Question and answer session.

Each judging session lasts no more than one hour.

Best Contact Centre Culture finalists will be invited to ‘showcase’ their contact centre to the judges. A proposed agenda will be provided that will last circa 3 hours. Ideally this will be a visit to your place of work.

Of course, the winners will be announced at the Awards Night at Old Billingsgate in London on 17 June 2024. Tables for the Awards Night will go on sale at the end of March 2024.